Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Grammar: ~です and ~じゃありません

"~ desu (~です)" is equivalent to English "am," "are," or "is." Unlike English, it doesn't change its form according to the subject. "~ desu" always comes at the end of a sentence.

私は学生です (Watashi wa gakusei desu.) - I am a student.
こちらは山田さんです (Kochira wa Yamada-san desu.) - This is Ms. Yamada.
私達は友達です (Watashitachi wa tomodachi desu.) - We are friends.

When it is obvious to the other person what the topic is, it is generally omitted.

(私は)ひろ子です [(Watashi wa) Hiroko desu.] - I am Hiroko.
(私は)学生です [(Watashi wa) gakusei desu. ] - I am a student.

The negative form of "~ desu (~です)" is "~ ja arimasen (~じゃありません)" or "~ dewa arimasen (ではありません)." "~ dewa arimasen" is more formal, and "~ ja arimasen" is common in casual conversation.

学生ではありません (Gakusei dewa arimasen.) - I am not a student.
日本人じゃありません (Nihon-jin ja arimasen.) - I am not Japanese.


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